As part of the celebration for Vancouver’s 125th birthday, The Turning Point Ensemble will present an album of “sonic snapshots” of Vancouver’s musical traditions.
This concert is a meeting and intermingling of east and west – from the past 125 years with our guests the Orchid Ensemble (Lan Tung and Jonathan Bernard) and soprano Heather Pawsey.
Since its first public performance in 2003, the 17-member Turning Point Ensemble has become a distinctive fixture in the Vancouver arts scene, known for its quality of musical performance,
innovation in programming and multidisciplinary collaboration.
The Turning Point Ensemble is a Vancouver based large chamber ensemble comprised of many of British Columbia’s most accomplished instrumentalists, their mandate is to present
rarely heard concert music for a large-sized chamber ensemble.
WHEN: September 11, 2011 at 2pm FREE
WHERE: Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden
WHO: Special guests of The Turning Point Ensemble: The Orchid Ensemble, Heather Pawsey soprano solo, David Duke guest curator: William Bruneau, Janet Danielson and George Laverock symposium panelists