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According to the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, only 16% of Canadians in Hong Kong considered Canada as their home

An American artist from Miami, Florida was sentenced to 20 months in prison last week

A B.C. Member of Parliament is pushing for a probe in the Philippines to determine the cause of Typhoon Sendong

Super 30, Bihar's free coaching centre which helps poor students has won high praise in Canada.

Government authorities in Manila are urging Filipino migrant workers in Canada to contact them

The world’s first test tube hamburger will be served later this year according to various sources

Vancouver leads the way when it comes to mixed-race unions in Canada with Toronto and Calgary close behind.

Altaf Nazerali has won a battle in his war against those he alleges smeared his name and continue to do so.

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Li Dongzhe has returned to China and turned himself in according to Beijing's Ministry of Public Security


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