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Haniff Abdul Rahman along with other diplomats will be raising money for B.C charities 

Canada’s live-in caregiver program faces the prospect of significant changes in the near future

One of India’s leading Media & Entertainment companies recently signed a mega deal with Prime Focus Limited 

The Canadian Government is predicting immigration from the Philippines will continue to rise

Fifty percent of itnernational medical graduates currently living in Canada are currently working within their field of study 

Changes to the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) will hurt Canadian businesses

A group of Chinese millionares has taken legal action against the Canadian government

Air Canada and Philippine Airlines recently inked a new agreement to increase flight entitlement for each nation

Meterologists are warning that weather may turn out to be wild and unpredictable for the rest of the year

B.C. is poised to undertake a generational opportunity to build a world class liquefied natural gas industry


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