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Top news

Controversial leader continues to raise red flags as his brutal regime continues to make questionable decisions 

Recent survey indicates Canadians have mixed feelings about their relationship with Asian nations

Greenpeace makes plead to Canadian government to remove trash that was dumped in the Philippines in 2013

Canada will invest about $18 million for projects addressing Filipino women’s  health services

Despite a mixed global reaction, Trudeau's Liberals have maintained their pledge to increase immigration quotas

Canada must continue to be a leader for change and advocate for the rights of all citizens in the region

Recent census data indicates that over one in five Canadians were born in another country 

The Bureau of Customs (BOC) in the Philippines warns residents of online scammers looking to make a quick dollar

The White House has confirmed that U.S. President Donald Trump is set to make his third large presidential foreign trip

Asian parents continue to invest heavily in their children's education to better improve their career prospects


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