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Top news

Canada should continue to push for further trade diversification despite the ratification of the new USMCA agreement

India has begun a massive crackdown, with help from Canadian and American law enforcement agencies

VPD Chief Steve Rai will helm the BC Association of Municipal Chiefs of Police as its new president

Canada faces a tough road at the 14th edition of the Men’s Field Hockey World Cup championships 

Warning issued to overseas foreign workers of a scam targeting prospective cruise ship employees

Canada will be pumping $17.5 million to empower women and girls in the Philippines 

Over two million people, who entered Canada between October 2009 and March 2015 are involved in a class action lawsuit

 HSBC study ranked Canada as the fourth best country in the world for expats, behind Singapore, New Zealand, and Germany

Long-running RCMP investigation  leads to arrest of alleged child pornographer in Saskatoon

Canada has become the second country in the world, after Uruguay, to fully legalize the use of cannabis


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