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While Canada agrees to reduce child care costs, immigrants with precarious status will likely continue being excluded


Canada’s Sri Lankan community urges Ottawa to investigate the financial holdings of the Rajapaksa clan and bar them from seeking refuge in the country

The ballots of close to 85,000 Filipino-Canadians will be included in the Philippine elections

Ferdinand Marcos Jr set to become the next president of the Philippines after a landmark election victory

Born out of the COVID crisis, a networking platform has helped make over 4,000 peer-matches for new immigrants seeking jobs and connections

To address labour shortage, the government is looking at "every option," says Immigration Minister

A new study calls on Immigration Canada to introduce special visas and a "nomad strategy" to attract global tech talent

New Canadian Media explores why Canada has become a destination of choice for human smugglers and the people who pay them for perilous passages to safety

Vancouver Fashion Week, back for its 2022 Fall/Winter edition this week has become a runway to success for many immigrant and Indigenous fashion designers

Over 500 settlement agencies in partnership are calling on the federal government to allow war-displaced Ukrainians access to federally-funded assistance programs


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