Farah Tejani, a Richmond based writer who earned a Masters in Fine Arts from UBC, has published a new book entitled Make Your Own Chai, Mama's Boy.
It is a collection of ten stories that the author refers to as ‘fictional non-fiction’. The stories focus on the experience of being Indian in a Western landscape.
There are tales of a young girl, unable to bear children, who is shipped off to marry "The Cotton King", or a young East African woman must make a very difficult decision when it comes to the acceptance of her half-breed child versus the acceptance of her family.
Tejani, 43, originally from Uganda, also explores the difficulty Indian men face in trying to go "normal" and marry a woman when they are attracted to other men.
She is currently working on her next two novels: "Raw Angel: The Diary of a Real Live Madwoman" and "Basmati Blues".