Free concert at Sun Yat Sen Gardens

As part of the celebration for Vancouver’s 125th birthday, The Turning Point Ensemble will present an album of “sonic snapshots” of Vancouver’s musical traditions.
This concert is a meeting and intermingling of east and west – from the past 125 years with our guests the Orchid Ensemble (Lan Tung and Jonathan Bernard) and soprano Heather Pawsey.
Since its first public performance in 2003, the 17-member Turning Point Ensemble has become a distinctive fixture in the Vancouver arts scene, known for its quality of musical performance,
innovation in programming and multidisciplinary collaboration.
The Turning Point Ensemble is a Vancouver based large chamber ensemble comprised of many of British Columbia’s most accomplished instrumentalists, their mandate is to present
rarely heard concert music for a large-sized chamber ensemble.

WHEN: September 11, 2011 at 2pm FREE
WHERE: Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Classical Chinese Garden
WHO: Special guests of The Turning Point Ensemble: The Orchid Ensemble, Heather Pawsey soprano solo, David Duke guest curator: William Bruneau, Janet Danielson and George Laverock symposium panelists

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