Age: 41
Occupation: Hotel Manager
Company: Sandman Hotel
Hours worked per week: I work, on average, 50 hours per week.
Salary range: $75,000 or more
Best part of job:
What got me started on this path in life is my passion for travel. I like to make people happy and entertained, as well as deal with them internally and externally.
I didn’t know what I wanted to be until I was 35. As a kid, I wanted to start a catering business, but decided to get into hotel management because it covered all the aspects I wanted in a job involving entertainment, travel and food.
Personally, tapping into the intermediate level in the hospitality industry is difficult because a lot of the time, hospitality doesn’t recognize itself to be applicable to business skills. I have to be perservering and consistent in selling myself in the business.
Sprott Shaw provided the theories that work in reality. The more you interact with people and expose yourself to the indutry, the better you are at it.
A background in Financial Management. 8-Month Diploma full-time Tourism Hospitality Management Program
School: Langara, then Sprott Shaw
Advice: You have to be persevering and consistent in selling your traits and what you have to offer to the business. You have to keep going because somebody out there might need you. The program brought a lot of opportunites, particularly to get into a higher level.
There was a big age gap between myself and my younger classmates because I got my certificate at 39. I have more experience in life and in decision-making, thus giving me an edge.
Favourite activity:
Taking long walks on parks and other recreational places.
vacation plans:
I plan to go to Africa soon.
In five years,
I see myself :
I will have my own property in my place of origin, which was Africa.
In fact, I will be going there next year to check out the real estate and the cost of things. Hopefully, I will own something within the next 5 years. I also have an urge to travel more.